The Innovation, Incubation & Entrepreneur development centre replaced the old EDP cell of the institute and started its activities in May 2015. IIED centre is presently carrying various activities like skill development, entrepreneurship support, incubation of ideas, development of grass root technologies, and so forth under following four categories :-
- Entrepreneur development programme cell (EDPC)
- Innovation club (IC)
- Institute Industry Interaction cell (IIIC)
- Grass root innovation development studio (GRIDS)
The objectives of each cells are as follows:
EDP cell
- To create a sustainable and diverse entrepreneur ecosystem
- To create an awareness and importance of Entrepreneurship as career option among students.
- Support the growth of start-ups across the region
- To create awareness for using technology as the key input for generating self employment.
Innovation Club
- Generate need based ideas (from students, entrepreneurs, grass root innovators or any technical /non technical person) for problem solving
- Cultivate, develop, refine/combine and incubate ideas to provide engineering solutions in vast domain of social/technical/industrial /environmental problems
- Provide technical support to innovative ideas
Thrust areas
- Nurturing/value addition of grass root innovations
- Solution for micro and small scale industrial problems
- Energy Conservation with special emphasis on non conventional sources of energy
- Environmental protection and conservation Waste Management and Sanitation

The philosophy of IIIC is based on 3 E's, EXTEND, EXCHANGE & EVOLVE
- To derive mutual benefit from the shared expertise and experiences between the industry and institute and promote interactions between them for symbiotic interests
- To undertake challenging problems of industries and provide an engineering solution
- To seek and associate experts from industry in curriculum development and academic programs
- To identify continuing education opportunities, short-term programmes and training needs of the industry, which institution can provide & vice versa
- To promote revenue generating activities for the institution like Lab Testing, Calibration, Consultancy and R&D

- NIF India and NIT have signed a MOU in 2016 in order to accomplish grassroots innovation and effectively take up its its challenges
- GRIDS mediate between NIF and young innovators from the region to foster the spirit of innovation and provide platform, infrastructure and support system necessary to incubate the Grassroots Innovations (GRI)
- To promote innovations at Grass root level or remote areas by people who are non technical but are doing something valuable and creative
- Advancing innovation – based ideas through strategic utilization of human resources and financial capital